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MARCHON™ Pre-Workout
MARCHON™ Pre-Workout

MARCHON™ Pre-Workout

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The MARCHON™ Pre-Workout contains a blend of natural ingredients to help boost your performance. A great tasting, high quality supplement which combines 4 proven ingredients in clincially effective dosages into one perfect blend. To be taken 30 minutes before exercise to boost performance throughout your workout.

Blue Raspberry
Lemon and Lime

All Products are UK made and produced to ISO 22000 Standards in an Informed Sport Accredited Factory.

Blue Raspberry
Lemon and Lime
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Product Details

MARCHON™ Pre-Workout contains four active ingredients including Caffeine, L-Citrulline Malate, Beta Alanine-Sieve, and L-Theanine. These ingredients have been selected due to their proven track record in aiding performance.


Caffeine is a natural stimulant that increases alertness. It functions by blocking the effects of adenosine, a neurotransmitter which makes you feel tired (REF)

We included caffeine in this pre-workout due to its proven benefits in increasing wakefulness, thus providing you with an extra boost pre and throughout your workout.

L-Citrulline Malate

L-Citrulline is an amino acid found in the body, in food and in supplements. It is considered a non-essential amino acid as the body produces it naturally, however ingesting surplus L-Citrulline through supplementation may aid performance. The primary method of performance optimisation from L-Citrulline Malate is vasodilation, the widening of blood vessels to improve blood flow REF. We therefore included L-Citrulline Malate in our Pre-Workout to improve blood flow as you train. It also aids muscle recovery. As an intermediate in the urea cycle, L-citrulline promotes nitrogen waste removal from the body, which can reduce muscle fatigue and soreness. Also, research also shows L-citrulline's anti-inflammatory abilities. This may help mitigate exercise-related inflammation and subsequent muscle soreness.

Beta Alanine

Beta-alanine is a naturally occurring non-essential amino acid, meaning that the body can produce it without obtaining it from food sources. It combines with the amino acid histidine to form a dipeptide called carnosine (REF). During intense exercise, carnosine binds to hydrogen ions (H+) to attenuate the decline in intracellular pH, allowing for a longer duration of exercise at higher intensity.

The primary mechanism of action for beta-alanine is its role as a precursor to carnosine synthesis. When beta-alanine is supplemented, it increases muscle carnosine concentrations, acting as an intracellular pH buffer (REF). This buffering capacity helps delay the onset of muscle fatigue during high-intensity exercise, allowing for improved athletic performance (REF). The ergogenic effects of beta-alanine supplementation are most likely related to enhancing intracellular buffering capacity, making it particularly beneficial for activities lasting 1-4 minutes (REF)


Studies have shown that when stacked with caffeine, L-Theanine improves focus in individuals REF. We therefore included it in our pre-workout to work alongside the caffeine to maximise your performance.

Key Benefits

  • Increased Alertness: Caffeine is proven to increase alertness and exercise performance.
  • Improved blood flow. L-Citrulline Malate increases vasodilation which in turn aids blood flow to the muscles leading to better exercise performance.
  • Decreased muscle soreness. The increase in blood flow and reduction in ammonia accumulation from L-Citrulline Malate has shown to decrease muscle soreness.
  • Reduced Fatigue: The inclusion of L-Citrulline Malate and Beta-Alanine reduces fatigue as you train through mechanisms of nitrogen waste removal.
  • Improved Focus: L-Theanine has been shown that when stacked with caffeine, there is a higher degree of focus in individuals.


L-Citrulline Malate, Beta Alanine, Maltodextrin, Green Tea Extract 30% L-Theanine (Camellia sinensis), Flavouring, Caffeine Anhydrous Powder, Sweetener (Sucralose), Natural Colour (Spirulina Blue Powder), Acidity regulator (Citric Acid).

L-Citrulline Malate, Beta Alanine, Maltodextrin, Green Tea Extract 30% L-Theanine (Camellia sinensis), Flavouring, Caffeine Anhydrous Powder, Sweetener (Sucralose), Natural Colour (Spirulina Blue Powder), Acidity regulator (Citric Acid).


When should I take pre-workout?

You should take a pre-workout between 30 minutes - 1 hour before training. Please consider that when you last ate and how much you ate may affect the perceived effects of the pre-workout

How long do pre-workouts last?

This completely depends on the pre-workout, the dosage, and the amount of stimulants in the pre-workout stimulant. Generally, caffeine has a half life of 4 hours, meaning that after 4 hours, there is approximately half the amount of caffeine still active from when you took it.

How much caffeine should I have pre-workout?

This completely depends on your size, weight, and tolerance. However research suggests anywhere between 100mg-300mg is an effective dose for exercise performance. We recommend you start at the lower end (half a scoop) and build up to assess your tolerance.

I feel tingling when taking the pre workout, is this harmful?

The tingling sensation you experience with beta-alanine is called paresthesia, which is generally considered a harmless side effect and is not dangerous. This sensation is often described as "pins and needles" poking under the skin and can be more intense in the facial region. The exact cause of beta-alanine-induced paresthesia remains somewhat unclear, but a working theory is that beta-alanine activates sensory neurons that terminate in the skin, leading to transient tingles and itching (REF). The sensation typically starts about 15 minutes after taking beta-alanine and resolves within an hour